July, 2019
If you'd like to get published, please request more information

Paperback edition of
Prizewinners and all
Highly Commended stories

First Prize: £300
Publication in the MTP 2019 Summer Anthology (print book and eBook)
Anthology title based on the winning entry
Alanna Cramer - When It Is Time
Second Prize: £200
Publication in the MTP 2019 Summer Anthology (print book and eBook)​Madeleine Cook - Revamped
Third Prize: £100
Publication in the MTP 2019 Summer Anthology (print book and eBook)​
Susan Auzou - The South Face
Highly Commended
Adam Carpenter - Criminals with Fangs
Aleksandar Uzunov - Flying Off
Amy Simons - Exceptions
Cath Wilson - Only You
Charlotte Hayden - Letters from a Lovesick Support Worker
Chris Phillips - Fifteen Minutes
Damien Mckeating - Strange Apples
Dan Brotzel – Mindfulness
David McMahon - Once a Copper
Desiree Kendrick - Taxicab Confessional
Dide Akseymen - The Condemned Oyster
E.S. Trice - Roles Reversed
Eddie Woods - Historyonics
Eileen Dickinson - Second Helpings
Georgina Brown - The Finalists
Hayley Saunders - Phantom Waiting
Henry Wright – Go/Near
Ian Goh Hsien Jun - The Earth is Flat (and so are my sugar levels)
Jacqueline Harrett - The Magic Fish Restaurant
Jacqueline Winn - A Man Digs a Grave
Jason Barnett - Coal Brenneman
John Roberts - It’s Not Every Day
Jonathan Inglesfield - The Dangerous Cliff Divers Club
Kate Campbell - The Benefit of the Doubt
Leanne Rogers - The Bonnie Prince
M.A. Paton - Vietnamese in a Bowler Hat
Malina Douglas - Her Curious Doubts
Mike Tibbs - The Homeless Hedgehog
Myra Koch - The Smell of Coffee and Prawns
Nikki Sage - Jam
Pete Pitman - Collision Course (UK)
Phil Edwards - The Error of His Ways
Ray Burns - Alzheimer’s
Rob McInroy - Not Here, Swimming
Sue Hoffmann - Tread Softly
Taria Karillion - In Pursuit of Peace