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Print Books & eBooks
All-Inclusive Publishing Package - 100% ROYALTIES - from £499
Comprehensive Range of Publishing Services
including editing, transcription, formatting, cover design and illustration
All Fiction & Non-fiction including
True Story
Young Adult (YA)
Children's / Children's Illustrated
Short Stories...
 If you'd like to
 please request more information 
We are the chosen publishing company for authors and writers from all parts of the world including UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, France, Australia, Poland, Israel, Finland, ...
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    WHY US?

    Congratulations – you’ve finished writing your book! Celebrate a little - you have created something unique and truly special.

    Perhaps you've already entered some writing competitions, maybe even the MTP Short Story Competition, to gain some attention for your book?

    How to publish a book...

    You may have tried self-publishing without success and now you're taking the next step and approaching agents and publishers. Do you recognise this standard response?...


            “... we are only ever able to take on a handful of new writers each year and in the end, I'm afraid I was not confident enough that we would be able to represent your manuscript successfully in today's tough publishing climate.”


    Even if you do manage to attract the attention of an agent they'll still need to persuade a publisher to take on your book.


    How long does it take to publish a book in this way? Typically it's at least 18 months – and it could be more than 2 years before any royalties start to arrive.


    Oh, and how much are the royalties? It’s likely that you would only receive a royalty of 34p for each print book that is sold in store at £9.99. That’s only 4% of the sales price. So that’s not so much for all of your hard work.

    Of course, we are all here for the love of writing, but wouldn’t it be great to get your book and your name out there and get the best recognition for your work?




    Why Us?



    Focus on your writing - and leave us to do the rest - rapidly - and with 100% royalty payments.


    Michael Terence Publishing

    • prepare and publish your eBook

    • prepare and publish your paperback / print book

      • typically within 3 weeks
    • create your author profiles

    • provide initial marketing services

    • offer "how to" expertise and advice


    Our Authors and Writers

    • keep all their copyrights

    • earn their first royalty payments within 90 days

    • earn subsequent 100% royalty payments each month

      • paid direct into their bank account

    Note: Typical arrangements and times stated. Royalty payments may vary.

    Please see our FAQs for full details of the MTP Publishing Programs

    Our Offer
    An Author's Story



    A debut, unpublished author approached us. They’d had no success in finding an agent or publisher. Over 200 queries - only rejections followed. In frustration, they turned to us.


    It took us less than 1 week to finalise the cover, artwork, blurb and the technical necessities and then publish the eBook. And within 3 weeks we had the print book published too. All available to buy worldwide.



    In the parallel, we set up author profiles and took care of initial online marketing.


    We provided access to online sales reports – quantities sold, sales price, royalties earned – and detailed the countries in which those sales had been made.


    Using this almost real-time analysis, we continued to assess the impact of the marketing and messaging - and those campaigns were efficiently perfected.

    Was this successful?


    From having almost given up on publishing, within 6 weeks the book was rated by Amazon as a best seller.


    Of course, the success of any book depends on many factors... how well your book is written, the appeal of your story, what genre it falls into, how competitive the market is, timing, etc.


    Interested? Please contact us to start the next stage of your journey.

    Authors who get published with us say...

    "I cannot express the level of my gratitude to MTP. MTP's team has been stellar in every aspect. Their personal touch, their knowledge, and their willingness to go the extra mile has surpassed my hopes and expectations. They have truly made my dream come true."

    Jason Sheffield

    Author of Son of a Bitch

    "I am delighted with the service I have received from MTP. I'm able to contact them whenever I have a query or a suggestion and always get a quick reply with helpful advice. In an age when client care often takes a back seat, MTP buck that trend. They are a super company to deal with."

    Elliot Stanton 

    Author of  The Not So Secret Diary of a Pawnbroker 

    "Excellent service throughout. Always accessible and helpful with suggestions borne out of knowledge of the market place."

    Peter Baggott

    Author of  Victus and Ilona



    By submitting this form you are consenting to Michael Terence Publishing using the information for direct marketing purposes solely in relation to its publishing services and news.
    Your declaration of consent may be withdrawn  at any time by sending an email request to


    Please drop us a message and we'll do our best to help you publish your book!

    020 3582 2002

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